>>YOUTUBEでのダイジェスト版 DE-SIGN9〜11 動画はこちら
>>YOUTUBEでのダイジェスト版 DE-SIGN12〜13 動画はこちら
>>YOUTUBEでのダイジェスト版 DE-SIGN14〜16動画はこちら
映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:高橋克行(Katsuyuki Takahashi)
"Scale" is based on the artist's experience of childbirth. During the 10 months between conception and giving birth, the artist herself recorded with a DV camera the doctor's examinations of her on the exam table and carrying on a conversation with the CRT screen that showed the fetus by "ultrasound echo".
映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:高橋克行(Katsuyuki Takahashi)
In 1999 among the ceaseless end of the century prognostications it is rumored that there will be a large shift but what shift entail? In response to the shift we are now having experiences related to expanding dimensions, the wave theory and the theory of relativity . This film is an attempt to tackle part of the eternal question of where man comes from and where he is headed.
映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:クリストフ・シャルル(Christophe Charles) , 出演:Michael Golberg
Now that all the different rumors about the end of the world have calmed down, we'd like to take the opportunity to consider a new keyword that is slowly rising in popularity: FLOW (the great flow that fills the universe in its broadness).
映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:クリストフ・シャルル(Christophe Charles), 高橋克行
"Signifiance" is julia Kristéva's term for "the production of meaning". The "signifiant" is that which has meaning, and we understand all of creation by representing it in language. But images, which are not made language,remain unread (remain the "signifiant"), and accumulate as memories. In this work, I have made visual the ideas of modern thinkers, and examine the linguistic word that surrounds us and the construction of the self.
映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:クリストフ・シャルル(Christophe Charles)、鶴田睦夫(Mutsuo Tsuruta)、内田如彦 (Yukihiko Uchida)
The world we live in today is filled with information. We live in flood of information. Various images surround us from all directions. As was symbolized by the September 11th tragedy, what happens today is that the "virtual" images, produced by moving images , creates reallity. The notion of real has collapsed. In addition, amnesia of history/memory accelerates. The world is filled with worries; it has lost the power to believe. We must remember that memory(remembering) makes the present. This is the key to recover the power to believe in the world.
映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:風間正(Sei Kazama)、出演:田中由起子(Yukiko Tanaka)、北野雄一(Yuichi Kitano)
In the early 90's. a Finnish media resercher Errki Hutamo introduced the Japanese "cyber media society" in a TV program called "The Empire of Monitors" , saying that a CRT was the symbol of contemporary Japan but since then, the concept of "The Empire"(A.Negli and M.Hardt) , warns us against "unitary globalism", For me , the current situation of the media society, symbolized by the "KEITAI" cellular phone is nothing but a reflection of cynicism for citizens, and of the strong promotion of unitary globalism.
映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:風間正、出演:風間完(Kan Kazama)
On June 6th, 2003, my father, the artist Kazama Kan, fell ill. This is an image documentary of the period from June 6 until the day of his death on December 27. This piece is an homage to my father as well as our own private record.
映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:クリストフ・シャルル(Christophe Charles)
フランク・パブロフの小説『Brown 』では、人々が日常を惰性的に過ごしていたばかりに、すべて<Brown >に支配され、茶色に染められてゆく様を描いた寓話である。『Brown 』は単なるお話ではない、私たちの日常にも忍び込んでいる。日本人にとっての<Brown >とは何か?
The novel Brown by Franck Pavloff is the story of how people passing their times in daily routines are made to adopt the color brown in every part of their lives,Brown is not simply a fiction : like the color brown creeping into our everyday lives. What , then, is this "brown" in the case of the Japanese?