Dé sign 1-8   


  >>YOUTUBEでのダイジェスト版 DE-SIGN14動画はこちら

>>YOUTUBEでのダイジェスト版 DE-SIGN5〜8動画はこちら

Dé sign 1" Kunren" (1990) 8min/colour/VTR

映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:松村利起 (Toshi Matsumura)

The word "Kunren" literary means "Rehearsal". Rehearsal.......for what? For the evacuation when the Big Earthquake does strike? Or for the exploitation of the situation surrounding the Emprerior's death ? Or for the exploitation of realms unknown to the statesmen of Japan Inc? And so much ado about nothing goes on.







Dé sign 2" 5-7-5 Hi-Cook" (1991) 11min/colour/VTR

映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:松村利起 (Toshi Matsumura) , 出演:平山誠(Makoto Hirayama)


5-7-5 is a rhythm familiarly with us ordinary folks(?) In Japan as it appears not only in traditional Haiku-poems, but also in ad-campaigns, popular provers, roadside messages from the police(wow) et al. 5-7-5 is a catchy rhythm, and that is why this salaried man of bz bz buzzing Japan Inc, is caught incessantly in it ......But is he really caught in it ?













Dé sign 3" STAND:DRIFT" (1992) 19min/colour/VTR

映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:CHUNK/松村利起 (Toshi Matsumura) ,

スタンドとは文字通り「立ち上がること」、ドリフトとは「流されること」。この二つの単語を人間に当てはめてみると「Stand=意志を持って立ち上がること」 「Drift=無意志・無自覚」となる。

Literary ”STAND”means to keep an upright position on the feet and "DRIFT" means to be carried by current. Apply these two words to our lives. "In standing condition" , we have our own will . "In drifting condition " , we don't need our opinion because of depending on others . And these 2 conditions aren't opponents one another . The Gulf War appeared on TV for 3 months from Jan 1991. And almost everyone went back and forth between 2 conditions "Stand" and "Drift" , common experience, isn't it ?!











Dé sign 4" CYCLE : RECYCLE" (1993) 10min/colour/VTR

映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:高橋克行(Katsuyuki Takahashi)/松村利起 (Toshi Matsumura) , 出演:高橋克行 他


The concept of this work, "CYCLE RECYCLE", not only means particular movement in out society such as "recycling of litter or natural resources", but also symbolizes a circular movement on the cosmic scale. For example , every being and spirit, including the human race, is on the same circular movement in terms of the philosophy of metemsychosis. From this point of view, you will begin to perceive many signs in various ways , such as "Human-Recycle movemnt of individuals who are swallowed by the world's , or Japanese perhaps economic cycle" and "physical recycle movement in our life cycle such as the live organ transplant". And one question arises: "If so , how will we , the human race be from now? "














Dé sign 5" INSIDE : OUTSIDE" (1994) 10min/colour/VTR

映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:クリストフ・シャルル、松村利起 , 出演:ダニエル・クラーク


This Year, we portrayed "the relation between the inside and outside of JAPAN" , through the eye of Daniel, son of an anglo-Japanese couple, friend of ours, who had returned to Japan after 6 years living abroad. From the point of view of an individualistic multi-racial country unlike Japan, this country always seem to be "uniformed", in other words , "a mass of non-characteristic innocents." In the context of "Japan and the world" , it becomes even clearer that Japan is indeed a popular country forged from its inside so that one might be inclined to distinguish "Japan from The Others".













Dé sign 6" ACTIVE FAULT(活断層)" (1995) 12min/colour/VTR

映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:松村利起









Dé sign 7" ARMAGEDDON" (1996) 10min/colour/VTR

映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:松村利起(Toshi Matsumura),高橋克行(Katsuyuki Takahashi)


The young feverishly pursued the Zen world of the Aum Shinrikyo religious cult in order to attain a higher self by meditation.The international paradigm shift from the material world to the spiritual world has been delayed in Japan even further . Perhaps religious cults serve as "healing forests". With the pressent "Armageddon war between the material and the spiritual" the co-existance of the internet and religious cults is striking.











Dé sign 8" NEW MIND" (1997) 10min/colour/VTR

映像:VISUAL BRAINS , サウンド:松村利起(Toshi Matsumura),高橋克行(Katsuyuki Takahashi),PAMELA Z, L.SONAMI, D.SWEARINGEN

New mind is the era we are all now living.